Travelling to school
Sheffield City Council’s home to school travel policy states that families living within the statutory walking distances are not eligible for a ‘free’ bus pass, unless there is no safe walking route available.
If you have any queries about eligibility, please contact Customer Services on 0114 2734567 or by email
NB. Travel support for children and young people with Special Educations Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) with an Education Health & Care Plan or Statement of Special Educational Needs is covered by a separate policy, and all applications are assessed against individual needs. If you have any queries about SEND travel support, please contact the Assessment & Training Team on 0114 2053542 or by email
We, as Meadowhead School, have provided links to the websites below which can help you plan your child's journey to school.
Onboard: Travel South Yorkshire’s dedicated travel website for pupils, parents and
Designed to appeal specifically to each year group, it helps pupils and parents plan their journey to school and find out all they need to know about public transport and sustainable transport including walking and cycling.
11-16 MegaTravel Pass Online Applications
Students aged 11-16 and living in South Yorkshire can have a MegaTravel Pass to prove to bus drivers, tram conductors and ticket sellers that they are entitled to travel at reduced cost on public transport. All students can now apply for their MegaTravel Pass online rather than the previous process where teachers/students/parents sent in forms. Full details of how to apply for a pass can be found here: