The Sixth Form Team
As well as their form tutor and subject teachers, it is likely students will work closely with the following members of staff:
Head of Sixth Form (Mr R Gardiner)
Mr Gardiner is Assistant Headteacher and has overall responsibility for Sixth Form matters and manages the rest of the team. He also makes the final decision on recruitment and progression decisions. He may also meet with you if your attitude or work ethic falls below our expectations.
Head of Year 12 (Ms F Robinson)
Head of Year 13 (Mr R Beigel)
The Heads of Year lead academic mentoring and intervention for students. They also manage the Sixth Form’s student development activities. This includes supporting student voice, organising extra-curricular activities, arranging the tutor time and enrichment programmes, and managing applications for universities, employment and apprenticeships.
Pastoral Manager (Ms K Cookson)
The pastoral manager provides support and guidance if any issues or problems emerge during your time with us. They will help you manage your return to school following illnesses and absences. This member of staff can also refer you to other sources of support such as the MIST team and various external organisations.
Academic Support Manager (Mr A Garbett)
Sixth Form Admin (Mrs B Simpson)
The Sixth Form admin help organise many of our important projects and events such as the Leavers’ dinner and Sixth Form Open Evening and are involved with the recruitment of new starters.
Careers Adviser (Leighton Collins)
The careers adviser is independent from the rest of the team and as such is often an invaluable source of help and advice. He will regularly provide guidance to the whole year group as well as meeting each student on a one-to-one basis.
You can make an appointment by visiting the Careers Office off the Rosling
Tel: Main School Switchboard 0114 2372723 Ext 716
Absence Text 07860095432