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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

School Performance Measures 2021-2022

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End of Key Stage 4 results - academic year ending July 2022  (final)

Progress 8 score

This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.

The score for this school is 0.34.

The local authority (Sheffield) average score for state-funded schools is -0.16.

The average score for all state-funded schools in England is -0.03




Pupil destinations (leavers 2020)

This data is for pupils who completed key stage 4 in 2020, which is the most recent data available. published the revised data in February 2023.

Pupils staying in education or employment

Pupils staying in education or employment
Local authority
Pupils staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4
(Any sustained education, apprenticeship or employment destination.)
Total number of pupils included in destination measures
(Number of pupils who finished key stage 4 (year 11) in 2020)


For full details visit: Secondary - Meadowhead School Academy Trust - Find school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (

Please note:  the publication timetable is as follows:

Month Data published
20th October 2022
  • Key stage 4 results (provisional)
  • Key stage 4 subject entries
  • Key stage 4 pupil destinations (provisional)
  • 16 to 18 student destinations (provisional)
2nd February 2023
  • Key stage 4 results (revised)
  • Key stage 4 pupil destinations
  • Key stage 4 MAT results (revised)
  • 16 to 18 results (revised)
  • 16 to 18 subject entries
  • 16 to 18 student destinations (revised)

End of Key Stage 5 (16-18)

These figures tell you about performance of students at this school or college at the end of their 16 to 18 phase of education. 

The number of students shown for each type of qualification is the number who completed their 16 to 18 study at this school or college. Some students are included in more than one group - for example, a student who studied an A level will be counted in 'A levels' but also in 'Academic qualifications'.

Advanced level qualifications (level 3)

Most qualifications have a difficulty level. Level 3 is at about the same level of difficulty as an A level, but may take a different amount of time to study, and Level 2 is at about the same level of difficulty as a GCSE at grade 4 or above. has not produced progress (value-added) measures at 16-18 this year as they would need to use grades achieved between January 2020 and August 2021 to do this. (Due to the way that grades were awarded during the COVID-19 pandemic).  16-18 progress measures will return from 2023/24.

A levels

(104 students)

These figures are based on students who entered at least one A level or AS level. A levels are available in a wide range of subjects, including English, maths, sciences, languages and humanities. The primary purpose of A levels is to prepare students for degree-level study at university.

Average result 

  Average result Points
School / college B+ 43.38
Sheffield state-funded schools / colleges B- 36.82
England all schools
schools / colleges
B 38.37

Academic qualifications (including A levels)

104 students

Academic qualifications include A levels but also other ‘level 3’ academic qualifications such as International Baccalaureates and Pre-U. These figures are based on students who were entered for at least one academic qualification that takes the same amount of time to study as an AS level or above. 

Average result 

  Average result Points
School / college B+ 43.41
Sheffield state-funded schools / colleges B- 36.84
England all schools
schools / colleges
B 39.04

Applied general qualifications

60 students

Applied general are qualifications that provide broad study of a vocational area. They are designed to lead to higher education and they include areas such as performing arts, business and health and social care. 

Average result

  Average result Points
School / college Dist+ 38.56
Sheffield state-funded schools / colleges Dist- 30.54
England all schools
schools / colleges
Dist- 31.98

Student destinations - Progression to education or employment (2020 leavers)

Students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2020 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this. This is provisional data published in October 2022.

Students progressing to education or employment

Total number of students: 122

Full Details - click here: Meadowhead School 16-18