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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Results - headlines and congratulations 2023

(Please view Performance Measures here)

GCSE / Key Stage 4 Headline Measures

  • Students achieving 9 – 4 in English and Mathematics 62% (204 students)
  • Students achieving 9 – 4 in Mathematics  68% (222 students)
  • Students achieving 9 – 4 in English 70% (229 students)
  • Students achieving 9 – 4 in 5+ subjects including (EM) 60% (195 students)
  • Percentage of all grades awarded 4 or above 72% (1973 qualifications)

A level / Key Stage 5 Headline Measures

  • Total grades awarded A*– E (A Level) 100%
  • Total grades awarded Distinction*– Pass (BTEC L3) 100%
  • Total grades awarded A*– C (A Level) 97%
  • Total grades awarded A*– B (A Level) 72%
  • Total grades awarded A*– A (A Level) 35%


After recently being ranked as the top performing Sheffield State Sixth Form by the Sheffield Star, (AAB%, 2022), this year Meadowhead has achieved its best ever results for a year when assessments were not adjusted for the pandemic.

In A Levels, 66% of grades were A*-B – an increase of over 20% on pre-pandemic outcomes in 2019 and higher than both teacher assessed years (2020 and 2021). In vocational qualifications, the average grade increased to a distinction. There was once again a 100% pass rate across all subjects.

The following A Level subjects had particularly high A*-B rates – Computing (100%), Maths (87.5%), Art (83%), English Language (76%) and Sociology (70%). We are proud of all of our students’ success.

Congratulations to GCSE students at Meadowhead who have collected exam results in August.  Impressively, the performance of the year group has either matched or beaten the 2019 cohort on key published measures, with the percentages of students achieving the top grades (9-7) and (9-5) having significantly increased.  

To achieve so well, despite the challenges and difficulties of the last few years of the pandemic, is a testament to the determination and resilience of the year group as well as the support and knowledge of the school’s staff. We are incredibly proud of you all.