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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Mental Health and Well-being

In this section of our website we have gathered together resources to support both students and their families. Please take a look at the information below and use the links on the right to explore more. 

Learn more about Kooth - is a free, safe and confidential way for young people to receive counselling, support and advice online, will still be accessible over the break from school. We know that there are times when life can feel like a struggle and some extra support can be needed. Recognising this, Kooth has been commissioned by Sheffield City NHS Clinical Commissioning Group to provide support for young people aged 11- 18, up to 25 if in care, who live within the Sheffield City area.

Kooth is accessible 24/7 365 days of the year and provides access to quality counselling from BACP or UKCP accredited counselling professionals via a text based format from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays, and 6pm-10pm on weekends, providing a much needed ‘out of hours’ service. Kooth is accessible from any device that can access the Internet, allowing young people to seek help and support at a time and location that is suitable for them. 

In addition to the counselling,kooth website Kooth provides a fantastic, safe place for peer to peer support through forums where all contributions are moderated before being posted. Young people can also access the Magazine and Articles section where they can read approved content from individuals in similar situations to their own or even write their own articles.

Kooth is not a replacement for any in person support for a young person; rather it is an additional means of accessing further support. 

summer workshops poster

We have also gathered together our own Top Ten Activities To Do While At Home  These were created in response to Lockdown, but are still valid and helpful for weekends and school holiday time.

ten things to do at home


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It is often so much easier to talk about our physical health -  or lack of (remember your friend’s anecdote about how he broke his arm?) than our mental health.  It’s time to change that and take the stigma out of something that affects us all, putting an end to people with mental health problems feeling isolated and ashamed.

The whole school took part in Time to Talk Day, a national event led by Time to Change, which encourages everyone to talk about mental health.

 time to change

But it doesn't end with just one day - those conversations need to keep happening and we have created this area of the website to continue offering information for students and their families.

But what do we mean when we talk about Mental Health/Well-being?

People often jump straight to thinking about mental illness, but that is only part of the picture.  We all have mental health – it is how we think about ourselves and those around us, how we feel and how we behave in different situations. It is also about how we handle stress, make choices and relate to others.

At times in our lives we can all face difficulties and challenges – being mentally healthy gives us the strength to cope positively.

 looking after your mental health

Please look at the menu links on the right with information on where to get help for yourself - and the types of problems that can affect us.

Giving help:

 be in your mate's corner


 tips card