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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust


Our Vision


The vision for the department is to provide a balanced and informed curriculum across all key stages in the school. The aim is for the students to be active and engaged users and creators in the emerging digital economy. The curriculum is designed to allow students to have access to both computer Science and Information Technology and make informed choices on how they pursue the subjects as they continue their learning journey through the school.

Subject Summary

A high-quality computing education equips students to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. Information Technology ensures that students become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace.

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Key stage 3 (Y7-Y9)


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Term 1

Digital Literacy


Digital Literacy



ICT Skills/Creative

Graphic Design



End of unit test

End of unit test

Unit project 

Term 2:



Comic Creation

Computer Science


Game Maker

Computer Science

Computer Science theory

Game/App Development



End of unit test

End of unit test

End of unit test

Term 3:

Computer Science




Website Creation



Business knowledge development

Assessment End of unit test Unit Project End of unit test

Key stage 4 (Y10-Y11) - Eduqas Level 1/2  Vocational ICT


Year 10

Year 11

Term 1

Unit 2 – ICT In Context


Unit 1 – ICT in Society


Externally Moderated Assessment

January Entry exam

Term 2:

Unit 2 – ICT In Context


Unit 1 – ICT in Society – Continue to study


Externally Moderated Assessment External Exam - Summer

Term 3:

Unit 2 – ICT In Context

Unit 1 – ICT in Society – Continue to study



Externally Moderated Assessment

External Exam - Summer

Key stage 5 (Y12-Y13)


Year 12

Year 13

Term 1

Unit 3 – Using social media in business

Assignment 1 

Explore the impact of social media on the ways in which businesses promote their products and services

Unit 1 – External Exam January

knowledge and understanding of information technology terms.

Select and use information technologies and procedures to explore likely outcomes and find solutions to problems in context

Analyse and evaluate information, technologies and procedures in order to recommend and justify solutions to IT problems

Make connections between the application of technologies, procedures, outcomes and solutions to resolve IT problems



Internal unit assessed – Unit 3

External Exam -  January

Term 2:

Unit 3 – Using social media in business

Assignment 2

Implement the use of social media in a business


Unit 6 – Websites

Assignment 1

Understand the principles of website development

Design a website to meet client Requirements

Develop a website to meet client requirements

Compare the principles of website design

Evaluate the design and optimised website against client requirements.


Internal unit assessed – Unit 3

Internal unit assessed – Unit 6

Term 3:

Unit 2 – External Exam

Demonstrate knowledge of database development terminology, standards, concepts and processes

Create a Database

Test the Database

Evaluate the database you have created


Unit 6 – Websites

Assignment 1

Understand the principles of website development

Design a website to meet client Requirements

Develop a website to meet client requirements

Compare the principles of website design

Evaluate the design and optimised website against client requirements.


External Exam Unit 2-  May

Internal unit assessed – Unit 6

Useful websites

Extra-curricular / enrichment

  • Computing Club
  • Homework Club
  • KS4 Coursework club