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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

German students visit for Work Experience

After the successful visit by the Spanish students, it was now the German partner school’s turn to send post-16 students over who applied to spend 5 days of work experience in Sheffield thanks to our successful ERASMUS+ “work experience abroad” bid (CEWE).

 German students at Meadowhead

From 15th to 23rd April 2015, the students stayed in host families and were able to practise and extend their linguistic and interpersonal skills in their work placements. Once again, our Trust partners and local businesses kindly and warmly hosted the students who were able to get involved in teaching in our Primary Schools (Bradway, Greenhill), create 3D designs at Loadhog (Gripple), get involved in the running of the Double Tree Hilton Hotel and even support animals and local children at Heeley City Farm.  

 out and about in Sheffield              German students visit Yorl

Apart from the successful work placements, students also enjoyed widening their cultural horizons by visiting York and learning about its chocolate heritage, exploring Sheffield and the Peak District and watching a musical at the Lyceum.

 German student on work experience

Many thanks go to all the businesses involved that made this project such a success for the students.  Everyone had a fantastic time and we are now excited about our return visit to Germany in July.