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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

English Literature Resources


Video name Link Discussion questions or notes
Skills | How to Analyse a Love Poem | Dr Ben Hickman | University of Kent School of English

Part 1
Why is Wyatt's poem so important in the history of English Literature?

How is a Petrarchan sonnet structured- why?

What language/poetic features does he use to convey his ideas?

Part 2
What conflict does the poet set up?

How does Wyatt utilise the extended metaphor of hunting?

What is the significance of the last line?
A Streetcar Named Desire | Dr Will Norman | University of Kent School of English Focus on stage craft
The Great Gatsby and the Voice Full of Money | Dr Will Norman | University of Kent School of English Wealth, power and the American Dream
Skills | Comparing Two Texts | Dr Michael Falk | University of Kent School of English Compares A handmaid's Tale with Frankenstein
Gender in 19th Century Britain  
Postmodern Literature: A Short Introduction  
AMST 246 - Lecture 4 - Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby | Open Yale Courses  
Professor Sarah Churchwell - guest lecture