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Critical Incident and Business Continuity Plan
In light of any incident occurring it is aim of Meadowhead School to ensure that key and critical services continue to function or are returned to ‘normal’ working order as soon as is possible.
A Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT) has been established in line with best practice. The members of the team were selected based on seniority of their position held in school and their responsibilities.
The staff and management of Meadowhead School recognise a critical incident to be “an incident or sequence of events affecting pupils, staff or property requiring immediate responsive action beyond that which could be reasonably expected from the school’s management team during the day to day running of the school.”
Critical incidents may involve one or more children and young people or staff members, or members of the local community. Types of incidents covered by the plan are listed below:
- Serious damage to the school building through fire, vandalism, floods etc.
- The sudden death of a member of the school community
- An accident involving pupils or staff on or off the school premises
- A physical attack on staff or children and young people or intrusion into the school
- A potential threat to the school through malicious or authentic intent (e.g. bomb scare)
- The disappearance of a member of the school community
- An accident or tragedy in the wider community
- An incident in the neighbourhood (e.g. fire, threat of explosion, severe road traffic accident