Amelia Furniss (Language Student)
Amelia Furniss
Class of 2013
Languages Student
"If it wasn’t for taking part in a Spanish Exchange during my time at Meadowhead I would never have fallen in love with languages. My passion continues growing day by day and has since lead me to study Languages with Marketing at Sheffield Hallam University where I also decided to take up Italian.
I lived 6 months in a town called Bergamo close to Milan and Lake Como and am now currently living and working in Mallorca. I still can’t decide which language to tackle next. I feel so lucky to have experienced so much already and hope to continue doing so for the rest of my life, and it’s all thanks to languages.
When people ask me what I want to do in the future I can’t give them a definite answer; languages don’t just mean ultimately being a teacher or translator. It means having opportunities to pursue whatever your passion may be without borders or limitations.
So, don’t ask me to tell you why you should continue languages, because we’ll be here all day!
Instead answer me this: What makes you feel powerful and independent in any situation, what lets you have freedom and confidence to go wherever you dream, what gives you the opportunity to see the world and immerse yourself comfortably in any culture, what gives you friends from as many different backgrounds as you could imagine?
Now don’t say that languages are only lessons you learn at school, or a little detail to put on your CV. Languages didn’t just give me the ability to speak a few words, they gave me the world!"