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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Anti-Bullying Week 7th June 2021

During the National Anti-Bullying week last November, many of our students were isolating from school, so we wanted to take the opportunity to hold another Anti-Bullying Week to address the issues of bullying - what it is, how to deal with it and where to go for help.  Students have had an assembly focussing on it, all tutor groups will be asked to sign a class charter to pledge to stop bullying, and the Year 7 Ethics lessons will look at anti-bullying in more depth.

Our policy is to create a supportive and caring atmosphere in school where bullying behaviour is very much the exception. We aim to prevent bullying through:

Celebrating Difference:

  • Awareness Weeks - Anti-Bullying week; Black History Month; LGBT month; Diversity week
  • Form Time
  • Assemblies
  • Ethics Lessons

Student Involvement:

  • Writing policies
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
  • Student Parliament

Below is a user-friendly policy which was written in conjunction with Meadowhead School's Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.  You can view full details of our Anti-Bullying Policy on this page: Anti-Bullying - Meadowhead School


(if you are an ipad user, please download the version at the foot of this page)

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