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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Remote Learning/Home Learning Expectations 19.03.20

With the closure of school to most students at the end of Friday 20th March until further notice, please refer to the 'Remote Learning' page on our website to access learning from home resource support, and specific contact email addresses for all faculty areas and year teams. 

On this page, you will find information about ClassCharts, The Student Portal and OneDrive, the student's school email address, installing Office 365 on your pc, accessing e-books and the list of Year Team and Departmental emails.  The latter will be active from Monday 23rd March.

News item updated Friday 20th March with this letter below from Mrs Grewal-Joy 20.03.20

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Coronavirus update – home learning

As we approach a school shut down for the vast majority of students it is important to stress the need for students to establish good routines for learning during school hours. It is pleasing to see that Year 8, 9 and 10 students have been logging in and accessing learning tasks on ClassCharts but we must sustain this and establish it in other year groups now.

At this stage no one knows how long social distancing will last so it is crucial that students establish good home study habits early, to minimise long term impact. We advise students to work between 9:00am and 3:00pm with some breaks throughout the day. We will be checking daily to monitor students logging in and making contact with those that are showing absence. We ask all students to record what work they are completing daily in their planners.

We cannot stress enough to Year 10 and Year 12 the importance of following a daily routine because they will be sitting exams in 2021 and we must minimise the impact of not being in school. Although we expect examinations to be adjusted, students should take their learning seriously and use the time they have wisely.

Year 11 and Year 13 students have been advised to continue with their studies which will involve completing exam questions, portfolio and coursework to provide a stronger evidence base if we are to appeal grades in the future. This will also help to prepare students for their post 16 and 18 option choices.

Heads of Year will make direct email contact with students every week to offer encouragement and advice throughout this period to ensure there are regular lines of communication. Class teachers can also offer encouragement through ClassCharts. There will also be competition opportunities for students to engage with during this time to offer some variation and keep students engaged.
Our best hopes are that the models shown on the next page will help families to keep a structure to their day for their wellbeing and family harmony. Please use the various email addresses to contact the school during this period. I thank you for your continued support for the school and wish you good health over the coming weeks.
Yours sincerely

Mrs K Grewal-Joy Headteacher


Home Learning Expectations

Understandably, students will miss the social aspect of school and miss being outside with other people. At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour which in turn can make people feel worse. This is why we advise students to do daily exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Year 7, 8 and 9 will be set the following work
Daily 30 minutes: Reading
Daily 45 minutes: English, Maths and Science
Daily 30 minutes: Exercise
Daily 30 minutes: History, Geography, Languages
Weekly 45 minutes: Ethics

In the first instance work will be self-marked by students using staff guidance or online packages.

Year 10
Daily 60 minutes: English, Maths and Science
Daily 30 minutes: Exercise
Daily 30 minutes: 4 option subjects
Weekly 45 minutes: Ethics

We will be asking students to submit work routinely, to the faculty email addresses for teachers to mark and return.

Year 11
Students will be asked to complete coursework / portfolio work / practice questions for evidence which may be required by exam boards / preparation for future courses.
Daily 30 minutes: Exercise
Weekly 45 minutes: Ethics

Year 12
Daily: 1.5 hour per subject
Daily 30 minutes: Exercise
Email teachers to mark work

Year 13
Students will be asked to complete coursework / portfolio work / practice questions for evidence which may be required by exam boards / preparation for future courses.
Daily 30 minutes: Exercise
Email teachers to mark work