Our Virtual Sports Day 2020

Due to the unprecedented circumstances during this difficult period of Covid-19, we decided to hold a ‘Virtual’ Sports Day (held over a week!) where Y7-9 students were encouraged to get involved in a series of 10 challenges and physical activities from home.
Students who participated represented their forms and competed against their fellow students in their years for fun and to be named as Virtual Sports Week Champions!
PE teachers demonstrated each challenge (watch them here) and extra rewards were given to students who beat the teachers’ scores.
Mrs Grewal_Joy announced the winners via a video message and Heads of Year also recorded their congratulations (you can watch them here).
We also introduced the Lockdown Logo challenge - in previous years, each form has designed a banner based on a country around the world and carried it to the sports field at the start of Sports Day. Whilst we couldn't do that this year, we still wanted a creative challenge and this year it was to design a Lockdown Logo - see the top entries here.
Well done everyone for taking part - and for fun you can watch some videos we posted to Twitter of staff taking part in the T-Bag challenge (links below)
The Results
Year 7 1st- 7E 2nd - 7J 3rd- 7F
Year 8 1st- 8C 2nd- 8H 3rd- 8E
Year 9 1st- 9J 2nd- 9K 3rd- 9F
The ever competitive Mr Gray PM for Y9 getting a score of 4 using 2 different techniques
Next is Mr Leesley with a more flamboyant approach to the challenge. Unfortunately it didn’t work and he got a score of 0!
Mr Lawrenson - we can confirm he participated in a fully ethical manner!
Miss Robinson having a go with the watchful eye of Mr Shepherd taking notes of the technique to use
Last and by no means least from our pastoral team is the legend Mrs Smith