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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Meadowhead School Open Evenings

Meadowhead Sixth Form Open Evening 2023 - join the school with the best state Sixth Form in Sheffield

You are invited to our Open Evening where students and staff will show you around our Sixth Form facilities and let you know about what makes Meadowhead an exceptional Sixth Form, ranked top in Sheffield in 2022. At the event, you will hear from the Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form and our students, and then tour our state-of-the-art facilities. You will be able to visit the subject areas you are interested in and meet your teachers, and get to know our Sixth Form team to learn about the pastoral and academic support and guidance we offer. You will also get to see what is going on in our active Sixth Form community and hear about our excellent careers provision. We welcome students from Meadowhead and a growing number of students from other schools to join us.

We hope you can join us!

Y11 Open Evening for our Sixth Form - Thursday 2nd November 5-7pm: