Everyone a Writer - time to get typing!
It's time to tap into your creative side as we invite entries from adults in the Meadowhead Community and Trust partners to enter "Everyone a Writer 2018"
It's time to tap into your creative side as we invite entries from adults in the Meadowhead Community and Trust partners to enter "Everyone a Writer 2018"
Join our students and those from our Trust Primary Schools in doing some creative writing! Send yours (500 words max) on the subject of “The Elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water ” to
All published writers will receive a free anthology.
Closing Date for entries — Friday 9th March 2018
We will be having a Prize-giving & Anthology Launch on Thursday 3rd May 2018 - more details nearer the time.
This will be our 6th year of this very successful Meadowhead Community Learning Trust project. It has one simple idea - that anyone, whatever their age and experience can be a writer!