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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Y11 Record of Achievement - June 2020

This week would have been the last week for Y11 in school and a time when we would normally have celebrated with them, at our annual Record of Achievement. Sadly, our Y11s have missed out on so much and therefore we have created a special ‘Virtual ROA’ for them - a link to the presentation has been emailed out to all our Y11s.

The presentation began with a message from Mrs Grewal-Joy, who said " It's been a great privilege and pleasure to have been your headteacher for the last two years......   whatever pathway you take, we hope that you will look for opportunities to enhance your own skills, to extend your knowledge and we know that by doing so you will enhance your future prospects as well. On behalf of all of the staff at Meadowhead, we wish you the best of luck in the future  -  but for now, stay strong, take care and be safe "

We were delighted to hear from former students Harrison Carter, a doctor working in a central London Emergency Department and who is also a spokesperson for the British Medical Association and from Katie Turton, who is planning on starting her PGCE in September to become a Design and Technology teacher.

Harrison said "take the learning and understanding that this pandemic has provided to build your resilience, to build your strength and take it into your future... remember that sometimes life throws curve balls - you've been given the best opportunity in this pandemic to learn how to deal with them. "  

Katie gave this advice "life will almost certainly throw challenges your way and these should be lessons learnt for the future - take them head on and reflect. The mistakes are your best lessons learnt and in the face of adversity you need to be patient, resilient and remain calm.... take every opportunity that comes your way.

Below is a message recorded for our students by former student, Harvey Morton, Diana Award Mentor and Youth Employment UK Ambassador Of The Year 2019.  Harvey is a great ambassador for our school too and has kept in regular contact with us and offered his support on several occasions:

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All the Y11 form tutors wrote special messages to their forms, which was followed by messages from Mrs Smith and Miss Shaw, Pastoral Managers and a photo montage of memories from Y7- Y11.   

Record of Achievement


head boy and girl


Imogen said " you are looking back on our journey over the past 5 years, reflecting on all the highs and lows, the achievements you've worked so hard for and the hundreds of memories we've made together."  Imogen also thanked all the staff who have "cared for, taught and inspired us during our time at Meadowhead. They have always been there to give us advice, encouragement and a nudge in the right direction when we've needed it."

The presentation ended with special words from Miss Hunter (Pastoral Manager) and Ms Evans (Head of Year) "It's been an absolute pleasure to have been your Head of Year since Y7.  I hope you will always remember your time at Meadowhead fondly, the friends that you have made ... the amazing times and memories that you have created whilst you have been here, through the trips, through assemblies, through sport, through performing arts and music......   I hope that whatever course you start in September, you will always do your best - be the best person you can possibly be and reach for your dreams..... I wish you all the very best for your future ahead..... good luck Y11, I will miss you very much!"


We will miss you photo

goodbye and good luck Y11