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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Parents' Preparation for September

Please read more to find detailed information to help you and your child be prepared for the autumn term....

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope you are enjoying the summer break. As we prepare for the new autumn term it is important to take time to reflect on the successes of the academic year. The school has made significant improvements this year but there is still further work to do in a number of areas. The school will continue to actively seek your views to help shape school policies.

We will need your commitment to work with us in partnership to support your child’s learning. We will then be working together to make sure your child succeeds. The governors, staff and I will endeavour to update you regularly on the latest teaching and learning developments and the progress of the school.

Please read the home school agreement to strengthen the partnership between home and school. In addition, there are slight changes to the school’s behaviour policy which has also been improved following feedback from the Student Parliament and staff. The policy is available on the school website here.

Please take the time to read the attached documentation (at the foot of this page) so that your child has a successful start to the academic year.  Included in it are details of meetings arranged for parents and important information regarding school policies and expectations for September 2019.

With very best wishes,

Kam Grewal-Joy

 preparing for September