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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust


Our Vision

Our primary goal is to encourage students to enjoy and engage with science and to develop their curiosity and enthusiasm for Science.

  • To promote an understanding of science amongst students to allow them to be scientifically literate.
  • Acquire and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works and its essential role in society.
  • Acquire scientific skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for progression to further learning; as an 11-18 faculty we want to ensure that students arriving with us in Y7 are retained through all 7 years

 science experiment

"There is a single light of Science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere." 

Isaac Asimov


Useful Science Websites


During the course of the school year we have numerous trips and visits, and regularly have presentations and talks by outside speakers. Perhaps the most memorable was the inspirational visit by Dame Helen Sharman to the Science Faculty to speak to our KS3 students.

 Dame Helen Sharman visits Meadowhead

Here is a taste of some of our trips and events:

  • Residential visit to CERN in Switzerland for our KS5 students
  • Residential field study to Malham Tarn in North Yorkshire for our KS5 students
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Christmas lecture at University of Sheffield
  • Each year we host an impressive Science Week. Throughout the week there are a series of talks hosted by various scientific experts with a different topic each day. The week is a big success and in the past has had lots of exciting topics for students to broaden their knowledge in science

STEM club



We also run a number of after school Science clubs throughout the year including:

  • KS3 STEM club (Y8)
  • KS3 STEM club (Y9/10)
  • Science club (Y7)
  • Science support club (open to Y7-11)
  • Science support clubs for 6th form subjects.

 Chicken from eggucation