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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Adam Esposito (MD Unify Business Solutions)

 Adam Esposito

Adam Esposito
Class of 1993
Managing Director

"I have fond memories of Meadowhead School but wasn’t sure what I wanted to do when I left in 1993. After doing a few different jobs I decided, at 19, that an apprenticeship would be the best route to take and got a placement as an IT apprentice. I‘d worked my way up to Sales Manager at a company called ANS when I met my current business partner, Eddie Bird.

The idea of forming our own company only came about because we were both facing redundancy! The notion took hold and in 2003 Unify Business Solutions was formed. Using the expertise we’d gained in the telecoms industry our initial aim was to link business to technology in a way that was meaningful and could help improve performance and customer service, something which is still an important part of what the company does today.

We also won one of our most important contracts in the first few months of business – from HMP Doncaster who are still a customer today. That initial link with the custodial sector has led to the development to the other strand of our business.

I feel like we’ve achieved a great deal particularly within the prison sector. The company has provided a couple of firsts - the first in-cell phones in the UK and the first in-cell phones in the southern hemisphere. We could have concentrated on just doing telecoms and IT for business but I’m glad we branched out and had the foresight to employ our own software development team and develop our own products. It’s important not to remain static and explore different lines of business when the opportunity arises."

We ask our former students for one piece of advice which they would give to themselves as a 16 year old.  Adam's is:

"It’s ok to not know what you want to do and to take your time in finding out what you’re interested in. In the meantime make sure you build on your social skills – they’re invaluable for any career!"


 Future First