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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

Spring STEAM 2020

Full STEAM Ahead – Year 3 of our ERASMUS international project continues

In January our STEAM team of 21 keen Y11 ambassadors visited Sheffield Hallam University to take part in a creative workshop in the Faculty of Art and Design. Their focus was to experience and start to plan art/design activities at the University ahead of leading on similar activities for their German and Spanish partners when they visit us in June after exam season.

creative workshop


Following a tour of the whole faculty to gain an insight into what kinds of art and products University students study and create, our students enjoyed creating some of their own art, in a workshop focussing on the concept of Art and design, and using only squares, circles and triangles.

creative workshop



“I really liked the workshop where we made art using just the shapes provided” (Eleanor Keyworth Y11)

“The workshop was very interesting, and practical and got our creative minds flowing” (Caitlin Vaughan Y11)


“It was interesting to have insight into the different forms of art people do in the same department” (Isaac Waldron Y11)