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Meadowhead School

Meadowhead SchoolAcademy Trust

KoothTalks - webinars to support your child manage exam stress

Kooth is a mental health service and they have arranged a 45 minute virtual training session on how you can support your child to manage exam stress.   This will be particularly helpful for parents/carers of students in Y10/Y11/Y12/Y13
The training will cover the following:

  1. An overview of how Kooth works as a mental health service

  2. How to support your child to manage exam stress

  3. Tips when talking to young people about their feelings

  4. Q&As

There are two available dates:  

Mon 22 Apr. 1-2pm - click here to register

Thu 25 Apr. 6-7pm - click here to register

If you are unable to attend the live date, you can still register and select the 'I cannot attend' option and Kooth will send you a recording of the session and supportive material.

KOOTH - free, safe and anonymous online mental wellbeing community